Tabasco - перевод на французский
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Tabasco - перевод на французский

Tabasco Sauce; Mcilhenny company; McIlhenny Company; E. McIlhenny; Tobasco Sauce; Tobacco sauce; TABASCO; Tabasco Brand Pepper Sauce; The Unofficial MRE Cookbook; Tabasco (sauce)
  • Tabasco pepper mash aging in barrels on Avery Island, Louisiana.
  • 1905}}. Note the cork-top bottle and diamond logo label, which is similar to those in use today.
  • A few of the varieties of Tabasco sauce, with the original on the far right.
  • MRE]], middle right

Tabasco, brand name of a spicy sauce made from red peppers


Tabasco is a hot spicy sauce made from peppers. (TRADEMARK)


Tabasco sauce

Tabasco is an American brand of hot sauce made from tabasco peppers, vinegar, (Capsicum frutescens var. tabasco), and salt. It is produced by McIlhenny Company of Avery Island in south Louisiana, having been created over 150 years ago by Edmund McIlhenny. Although tabasco peppers were initially grown only on Avery Island, they are now primarily cultivated in Central America, South America and Africa. The Tabasco sauce brand also has multiple varieties including the original red sauce, habanero, chipotle, sriracha and Trinidad Moruga scorpion. Tabasco products are sold in more than 195 countries and territories, and packaged in 36 languages and dialects.

Примеры произношения для Tabasco
1. If you don't like Tabasco, don't put Tabasco.
Award-Winning Chef Jeremy Sewall _ Chefs at Google
2. Tabasco is good.
On the Menu _ Emeril Lagasse & Ty Pennington _ Talks at Google
3. their Tabasco hot sauce.
Taco USA - How Mexican Food Conquered America _ Gustavo Arellano _ Talks at Google
4. She's from Tabasco.
Making it as a Woman in the Culinary World _ Martha Ortiz _ Talks at Google
5. You never want to taste the Tabasco,
Award-Winning Chef Jeremy Sewall _ Chefs at Google
Примеры употребления для Tabasco
1. L‘Etat de Tabasco, plus ŕ l‘est, est également en alerte.
2. A plus long terme, les inondations de Tabasco auront également un impact sur l‘économie du pays.
3. Les inondations dans les Etats de Tabasco et du Chiapas sont la pire catastrophe naturelle récente du pays.
4. Mais c‘est dans l‘Etat voisin de Tabasco, oů les deux fleuves se jettent dans l‘Atlantique, que la catastrophe a pris une ampleur sans précédent.
5. Le Tabasco, par ailleurs, est le fief de son adversaire Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, qui s‘est proclamé «président légitime» du pays apr';s sa défaite ŕ la présidentielle.